Monday, May 4, 2009

Radio Interview to air on May 8 at 9:00am

Tune in to 91.5 FM radio to hear my first live interview or
Go to and listen on-line now..!!! Just go to search, put in my name and download.!

Spread the word... Let's continue to lessen the stigma!!!


Mary said...

Thank you for the story on 848. I only caught probably half of it, but I went through the same thing almost, she was taken to NICU b/c of lung problems, so I was alone. I want to buy your book. Where is it available? Canyou post it on this page? Thank you so much. I probably will have my husband read it if I can. I don't think I have treated my ppd, b/c do/did not have ins or money to go to psy/doctors. My daughter is 2 yrs, 3 months now. Thank you again!!!! Good luck!

natalie said...

Hi Mary,
I am glad that you sent me a message. I just want you to know that you can recieve help on a sliding scale at some psy/doctors. Try your locate Lutheran services. My book is available on It is also linked at the bottom of my blog page. Good luck to you to, my son is now two. He just turned it in April. I wish you all the best, Natalie