Friday, January 30, 2009


This week, I recieved two e-mails from women who have or are still suffering from PPD.

One of them was inquiring about the possibilty of another baby after having PPD. I e-mailed her back and told her my husband and I are actually beginning to discuss this... I also told her that I just recently ordered a book titled, "What am I thinking, a baby after postpartum depression," written by Karen Kleiman. I am currently reading it. It is very good so far, and it offers a lot of information to help a couple decide what is best for them and their family. I would suggest this book to anyone who has suffered from PPD or her family and or friends. Family and friends are a big consideration in the matter, it is very important to have them on board to help the family who decides to move forward in their hopes to create a large and healthy family.

The second e-mail has been copied for all to read, Lori has agreed to allow me to share her e-mail... Her and I have said to people on seperate and numerous accounts, "I wish I knew of you before..." I want to thank Lori for SPEAKing, this is what we need, to know we are not alone...

Lori's e-mail:

I just finished your book on post-partum depression. I too suffered fromt his terrible illness last March after the birth of my third son, Owen. I was hospitalized three separate times until I was put on the right medication. I thought I was going to die, thinking I could never get well. I am well now after months of therapy, medication, great support and wonderful family and friends. I just want to thank you for writing the book. No one truly "gets it" until they have been through it. I am sorry you went through it too, I totally "get it". I wish I had known of you when I went through it. I hope you continue to be well, and that your son is flourishing.

Lori Hennessy

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